The 4 Pillars of a Thriving Online Community

Learn how to a thriving online community for your course, membership, or group program. The framework you're about to learn is based on my 10+ years of experience and research. I've used this framework to train community teams for Amy Porterfield, Stu McLaren, Jasmine Star, Corinne Crabtree and more. 

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What online business owners are saying...




Take advantage of the opportunity to work with Shana and her team. You will not regret it. It was one of the best decisions I made, and I'm so proud of the communities that we've built.

My community manager and I went through the Cultivate course. As we start 2023, we have the most members we've ever had and the business is the most profitable it's ever been through working with Shana. 

It was the best money I’ve ever spent. We implemented so much because of what we learned from Shana that has made such a difference in our entire membership experience. Our retention has never been higher.

Get to know Shana...

a.k.a. The community strategist behind many of the 7 & 8-figure online communities you love

Shana is the CEO of Community Cultivated and advises numerous million-dollar subscription-based businesses on using innovative community-focused strategies to increase retention.

She's passionate about integrating timeless community strategies and proven tactics to help businesses maximize profit by keeping their customers longer. 

Now with over ten years of notable experience in the online community and marketing space, Shana is a frequent conference speaker, consultant, and guest expert.

Join her for her weekly podcast + YouTube show, Community Creators, which focuses on helping you maximize your profit and multiply your impact by creating a thriving online community.

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